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DC Government | Cluster and Agency Communications Request Form

This is an internal request form for DC Government staff and officials from a cluster or agency to request one of the following: Show and Tell Request, Agency/Cluster Event Approval, MMB Script Request, MMB Event, Requests and EOM Digital Video Requests.

1. What is your name?

Show and Tell Request

8. When is the event?

Date Picker

12. What is the specific address of the venue? (If no specific location, what are the cross streets?)

16. Please advise which agencies you require for Show & Tell assistance

If requesting OCTFME, how would you like the event recorded / broadcasted?

If requesting DPR, please select all items needed (select all that apply)

18. Attach the Draft Media Advisory

Click Here to Upload

19. Attach the Draft Press Release

Click Here to Upload

21. Include any other attachments (Communications Plan, Social Media Plan, Proposed Graphics)

Click Here to Upload

20. Add any other attachments if needed

Click Here to Upload

MMB Appearance Request

9. Date of Event

Date Picker

16. What will the Mayorʻs role in the event be?

22. Will there be press at this event?

23. Attachments
Use the spaces below to attach any invitations, flyers or other documents (memo, proposed remarks, etc.) that provide more insight into your request


Click Here to Upload


Click Here to Upload


Click Here to Upload

MMB Script / Taping Request

8. Event Type

10.Location: Name of Venue (Address) If these remarks are being used at a specific event or location, please list where.

11.When is the Video's Release/Hit Date?

Date Picker

12.When Does the Video Need to be Ready?

Date Picker
18.Written Remarks and Attachments
(Non-anonymous question

Share written out remarks or talking points that you would like MMB to make? All remarks and content is subject to review and edits if approved.

Additionally share any invitations, flyers or other documents with more insight to the request. Optional.

First Attachment

Click Here to Upload

Additional attachment

Click Here to Upload

Additional attachment

Click Here to Upload

EOM Digital Video

9. What platform will the video be shared on? Check all that apply.

10. What stage and assistance will your video need. Check all that apply

12. What is the drop due date you need the video by?

Date Picker

13. What date will the video be aired or live?

Date Picker

EOM Social Media Request 

9. Is registration required for the event?

13. Please attach all products (graphics or videos) that you would like to include (Limit 250MB)

Click Here to Upload

Any more products (graphics or videos) that you would like to include

Please attach all products (graphics or videos) that you would like to include (Limit 250MB)

Click Here to Upload

Any more products (graphics or videos) that you would like to include

Please attach all products (graphics or videos) that you would like to include (Limit 250MB)

Click Here to Upload
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